
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Toucan Cookie Minimum

Two Cookie Minimum and Toucan Literary Magazine present:

Toucan Cookie Minimum

Join the Two Cookie Minimum reading series July 3rd for a night of reading promoting the July release of the Toucan Literary Magazine.

Featured readers include:
Greg Baldino, T.W Townsend, and Nikki Dolson.

With music by Kat Kidwell.

Plus the magazines editrices Liz Baulder and Laura Rynberg will read submissions from previous issues.

Hosted by Johnny Misfit.

Arrive at the Hungry Brain 2319 W. Belmont at 9pm.

The toucan literary magazine, published since 2008, has made readers bust guts, sob buckets, and recoil in horror. The July issue will be its second online-only issue. The magazine, which has a focus on publishing prose and poetry, is curated by two Columbia College graduates.

With out fear, there will be cookies present and ready for consumption.