
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Last Two Cookie of 2012!

Illustration by Jaclyn Miller
Two Cookie Minimum closes out 2012 with another great lineup Tuesday December 4.

Featured readers include:
Neil Brideau (comix artist, Oh Boy Comics)
Jason Fisk (author of new book
Hank and Jules)

Lisa Mrock (Columbia College Fiction Writing undergrad)
Piper Pennigan (singer of
The Eternal Flames)

Rosamund Lannin (former editor of Gaper’s Block Book Club)
Elizabeth Tieri (editor-in-chief of Back to Print Publishing)
As always its hosted by Johnny Misfit.

Drop into the Hungry Brain 2319 W. Belmont at 9pm.
There will be festive cookies at the event.

See ya in 2013, the year of the Cookie!