
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Two Cookie Chicago Zine Fest Fundraiser

The next Two Cookie on March 5th will be a benefit for the Chicago Zine Fest.

Each year Two Cookie holds a zinester reading with allowing readers to unveil their new work before the fest. This year is no different. Featured readers with new zines include:

Grant Reynolds reading Unholy Oath,
Krystal DiFronzo reading Black Sheep Coat, Jonas Cannon with issue #4 of Cheer the Eff Up, Georgi Johnston off her year long road trip reading from Georgi and the Haunted Minivan, poet Collin Brennan with issue #2 of Continental Interlude, and CZF organizer Jaclyn Miller with new comic work.  

As always Two Cookie will have free cookies for all at the Hungry Brain 2319 W. Belmont at 9pm.
Hosting is the insufferable Johnny Misfit. See you at Zine Fest March 8-9!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Two Cookie Minimum in Cartoon Panels!

The last Two Cookie Minimum brought some great talent to the stage. The event was documented by cartoonist Alex Nall (Morbid Dork). Its a great representation of what went on for those that missed it. He even references that there was an accordion given away! Check out his blog and work. 

Host Johnny Misfit not pictured, wawa.