
Monday, June 24, 2013

Two Cookie Celebrates 3 years this July!

Wouldn’t you know it, Two Cookie Minimum is turning 3 Tuesday July 2nd. I’m shocked too. There’ve been dozens of readers and really great stories throughout the last few years (as well as hundreds of cookies consumed).  To celebrate the occasion there are a few top notch readers to usher in another year of Two Cookie Minimum.

Readers include:
Jen Twigg,
Thomas Simmons, 
Nichole Baiel, 
Eric Bartholomew and 
the music of Rich Salamander.

Hosted by Johnny Misfit.
Hungry Brain 2319 W. Belmont at 9pm.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Get Down with CAKE this Weekend!

CAKE Chicago is back this weekend Sat June 15 and Sun June 16 at the Center on Halsted 3656 N. Halsted. Over a hundred tables, specials guests (like Chicago's own Chris Ware), panels, thousands of pages of comics, millions of hours of time put into all the comics. Support and enjoy all weekend long!

Poster art by Chicagoan Jo Derby