
Monday, February 10, 2014


Two Cookie Minimum is a reading series that promotes Chicago's self-publishing community. For the past 2 years, the series has hosted an all zinester reading the month of the Chicago Zine Fest. For our third installment, on Tuesday March 4th we will celebrate Chicago zinesters, the Chicago Zine Fest's 5th Anniversary and cookies. 

This all zinester reading will be on Tuesday March 4th, at the Hungry Brain 2319 W. Belmont Ave.

Invited zinesters include:
Elizabeth S. Tieri, editor in chief of Back to Print publishing reading from Six Zero Six (debuting at Zine Fest),
Matt Davis, mini comics artist,
Julie Kyay, working with CPL’s YouMedia group and is an event and promotion coordination with the Chicago Zine Fest,
Ed Blair, writes the zine Black Metal of the Americas, and Tope Suicida (debuting at zine fest), 
Dave Roche, long time zinester and writer of self-published books On Subbing detailing his work as a substitute teacher and If Nothing Else the Sky, a travel journal.

Hosted by Johnny Misfit. The show begins at 9pm at the Hungry Brain, 2319 W Belmont. 

We will ask for a $5 donation during the event. All Donations to benefit the 2014 Chicago Zine Fest. And as always, there will be free cookies.

For more info on the Chicago Zine Fest held on March 14 and 15, 2014, visit