
Monday, May 16, 2016

Q: May We Share Some Two Cookie Min Pix W/ You

Oh course the answer to our post's subject is YES!

Pop Up Tarot presented by VH1duh
The May TCM reading was chalk full of firsts for us and probably for some of our readers too. What we mean is easier conveyed into a list. This was the First time we had:
- All readers used visuals and tech
- A husband and wife read on the same night
- An entire reading was done in Spanish
- Live Tarot Readings
- Use of a Slide Projector
- A reader wear a cow hoody equipped with udder

Here's how those firsts broke down.
Shieka Lugtu opened the night with a performative reading mixing illustration, comics, animation,
creative non-fiction, memorized text and the aforementioned cow hoody.
Raul from Comfort Station gets Sheika's tech ready for the reading.
Mike Centeno followed reading his comic Canned which detailed how a character dealt with being fired from their job. Many spot on accents were used in the reading of his work.

Anna Jo Beck was next. Her slides were advanced by husband Mike Centeno. She read from two new zines that were based on her practice of learning to speak Spanish. Anna's second reading paired illustrations with humorous Spanish captions.

For Anna, Learning Spanish is difficult, but reading is easy when husband Mike advances slides.
Closing out the reading was a good TCM friend and zinester Jim Joyce. He partnered with Rachael Zalutsky and her friend Joe for some live Tarot readings. Jim manned a slide projector flipping through updated illustrations of the Tarot deck (which included Dee Dee Ramone, Studs Turkel and Ira Glass). Rachel then read various audience members their fortune while Joe strummed some background accompaniment (and at times a little ditty to go along with the fortune). The three person reading had the audience attentive, laughing and hopeful they wouldn't be picked to have their fortune read.

Jim hunches below this slide projector
Two Cookie prides itself on the variety of readers and performances that share their work each month. This event was one for the TCM history books. We might never see this many paths cross at one reading again. But who knows. Here's to next month.

Johnny Misfit
(Host and curator)

What You Missed at the First Two Cookie of 2016

LtoR: Michelle Marcellus, Megan Kirby, Jeff Zwirek, Sung Yim.
April 12 was the first Two Cookie of 2016. Instead of a long rambling summation, I thought this photo collage would help explain how the reading went. Can't wait to see what this season brings!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

May We Present Two Cookie Minimum

 'Tis Spring, no? We’re not waiting for the weather to tell us that. Two Cookie is back and ready to do what we do best, host a series full of self-publishing goodness and cookies. Right after a big weekend chilling at Chicago Zine Fest, on Tuesday May 10th, 8pm, we welcome zinesters Anna Jo Beck and Jim Joyce, and comics artists Mike Centeno and Sheika Lugtu. Hosted by Johnny Misfit. 

Flyer Mike Centeno
 It all goes down at the Comfort Station in Logan Square, 2579 N Milwaukee Ave. If the series title hasn’t already given it away, cookies are served for free! The readings are all ages. Donations are appreciated and help our sponsor. The series is sponsored by Chicago Publishers Resource Center (CHIPRC). You can also go to the facebook event for the reading, if you would like.