
Sunday, May 21, 2017

Two Cookie Minimum is Back This Summer Marking its 7th Season!

Chicago reading series stalwart Two Cookie Minimum is back to celebrate its seventh season with cookies and all things self-published. The first of its four zine- and comic-friendly summer readings will take place on Tuesday June 6, at Chicago Publishers Resource Center (858 N. Ashland Ave).

Special guest and CHIPRC Artist in Residence Celia Marquis (illustrator and zinester) will be visiting from Montreal, Canada. Joining her will be Chicagoans, Yewon Kwon (comics artist), Alenka Figa (journalist), Rebecca Mir Grady (comics artist), and Amy Giacalone (writer). Hosted by Johnny Misfit.

All readings are open to the public. The $5 cover benefits CHIPRC. Doors open at 8pm. Get there early to grab a seat. And as always, cookies will be provided.

Season Seven will include 4 readings this summer. June will open and September will close at CHIPRC. The other readings in July and August will be at venues TBA. Our July reading will mark our actual seventh anniversary so look for info on that. The full summer reading schedule will be posted on this blog.