
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Amazoning Spyturd Man

Ok so yes, I saw this movie, i mean comic book movies are coming a long way and its about time they are getting just desserts. It was like, the 80 and 90s movies were the silver age stuff and now we are rocking. So Spyturdman, well, guess what, it was the best in the franchise thus far. Why? Good casting (Dennis Leary, Sally Field, Martin Sheen, etc) and the young kids, well they were young enough (not no toby mac who was 30 in the roll of spidey). Good CGI, actually first movie to place you in the POV of the superhero webcrawler). There was a twist on the story, but, you know, what revamp doesn't mix it up. Go see it. If you love Batman, its like that is he was a mutant minus the Sherlock Holmes shit (which the BBC series Sherlock is balls awesome).
Think the Ramones: spider man, spider man, friendly neighborhood spiderman, in his web, dah dah dah .

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