
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Vote Two Cookie Minimum this Election Day Nov 6

Join Two Cookie Minimum on Election day Nov 6 with a cast of readers and some voting antics to follow.

The rub, we will have a few readers participate in a writing exercise on the spot. At the beginning of the night, readers Mason Johnson (ex P Fanatics Reading Series and Co Host of Karaoke Idol) and Matt Rowen (editor of Untoward magazine) will be given a theme chosen by the audience. They will write something to that theme be it a poem, story, creative non-fiction essay, etc.

Simultaneously, the other featured readers will take the stage including Stuart Ross (emerging writer and east coast transplant), Patrick Andrews (Columbia College Fiction Writing MFA candidate), and Hillary Stone (zinester, blogger, karaoke fanatic) .

After a brief intermission we will share what was written. The audience will vote on which piece should be chosen to win a prize of immense proportion.

Hosted by Johnny Misfit.
The Hungry Brain 2319 W. Belmont at 9pm.
There will be cookies at the event.

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