
Friday, March 22, 2013

Writers in Teaching at the April Two Cookie

Two Cookie Minimum is back Tuesday April 2nd with a lineup showcasing Writers in Teaching. The readers are all teachers from a range of institutions from including higher education, Montessori, and Chicago public schools.

Featured readers will include:
Adam McOmber (The White Forest) teaches English at Columbia,
Christine Sneed (Little Known Facts) teaches English at DePaul,

Kyle Beachy (The Slide) teaches English at Roosevelt,
Dave Roche (If Nothing Else the Sky) teaches who knows what at CPS,
Carrie Colpitts (Gender Matters) teaches a class on zines and other stuff at Near North Montessorri,
Geoff Hyatt (Birch Hills at World’s End) teaches 
Fiction Writing at

Hosted by Johnny Misfit (who doesn't teach anything).
At the Hungry Brain 2319 W. Belmont at 9pm.

There will be free cookies to boot.

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