
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Chicago Literati Reviews the May Two Cookie

As host of a monthly series, I have this sinking feeling, "Ok, no one is going to come out, I'm wasting everyone's time, who really cares about cookies anyway?" And each month I book some great talent which no mater what make the night worth it. Every First Tuesday, when walking into the Hungry Brain, the series' home since June 2011 (almost 2 years now), I have to pass through long hallway leading from the door to the bar. When walking that ten foot, walled off stretch of tile, I think to myself, "I hope people show up." This past Tuesday, I was pleasantly surprised to see a packed crowd of Fiction Writing alumni, faculty, students and friends.

With my fears assuaged, I took note of the crowd. Among the first faces that stood out, I noticed Dan Shapiro (host of a monthly comedy series at Cole's Bar), literary zinesters Ben Spies and Colin Brennan, and an old classmate and Fiction Writing alum Liz Baudler. The latter asked if I had a few minutes to chat with her for an article on the new lit based blog Chicago Literati. 8 readers, 3 Hamm's and a few cookies later, I sat down with her. The resulting conversation became a review of the night which can be read here.

This was one of the best Two Cookies so far. Thanks to all the readers, Columbia's Fiction Writing Department, to Liz @ CL, and all the friends and supporters who made the night a success.

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