
Monday, November 18, 2013

Two Cookie's December Ender

At the start of the year, I dubbed 2013 the Year of Cookie. Each month’s reading definitely lived up to that tag line. Here were some moments I wanted to highlight:
·         Two Cookie celebrated its 3rd year anniversary
·         Had an all comic reading to benefit  Chicago Alternative Comics Expo (CAKE),
·         Annual all zinester reading to benefit the Chicago Zine Fest,
·         Second All Female Reading,
·         Booked a Writers as Teachers reading,
·         Celebrated works from Columbia College Fiction Writing Department,
·         Halloween reading included tales from the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark book series

Two Cookie was named in Newcity’s Best of Chicago 2013, got interviewed by Chicago Literati and the Columbia Chronicle, and saw many post reading illustrations from artist Alex Nall.

This year has the best for the Two Cookie so far. To end on a good foot, Tuesday December 3rd, Two Cookie's December Ender will cap 2013. The lineup includes:

Lee Gaines, freelance writer in Chicago,
Allison Fabian, editor of The Insomnia Propagandist zine,
Shaun Rouser, author of short story collection,
Family Affair out on Red Bird Chapbooks,
Lara Levitan, Gapers Block Book Club editor,
Mahjabeen “Magic” Syed, Fiction Writing student at Columbia College.

As always there will be cookies free for the munching. Tis the season, so holiday cookies will be served.

And because Two Cookie had such a great year, we want to give a little back to our great audience. There will be surprise wrapped gifts on a first come first served basis including lit mags, books, zines, and more.

Donations will be appreciated to ensure there are more cookies into the new year.

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