
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages (Part 2)

Here's Part 2 in the series of Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages. The message is an anonymous submission. In it, the sentiment goes to show why the series has lasted for 4 years. Its also a testament to the Chicago literary community, of those who supports live readings all year long (especially during this past winter). Thanks to anyone who's attended Two Cookie, your support is greatly appreciated.

                                                    Polar Vortex or not, this person rules!

(ADDENDUM: I found out this message was written by Andrew Inchiosa, a grad student at UofC with a focus on literature, makes sense that this message tells such a good story). 

There's more of these to come so check back over the next few weeks for new posts.
Hope you enjoy them.

Johnny Misfit

What the meaning of all this? During July's Two Cookie Minimum reading, which was the series' 4 year anniversary, attendees and readers were given the prompt, "When I think of Two Cookie Minimum...". These are those responses.

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