
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages (part 7)

Here's Part 7 in this series of Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages. This message comes from, you guessed it, an anonymous submission.
                                          I love how this asks you (the reader) these questions.

I like this one for two reasons. One, it appears to be in water color. That's outrageous! They took it upon themselves to bring in art supplies to a reading. A note: the series does welcome a variety of readers, including visual artists. So at times, they come prepped and ready to throw down their ideas.

The second reason I like this b/c these are two questions I consider every month: who is going to show up to the reading and what kinds of cookies will I get? Those are two big questions I face and try not to get too anxious about. For the latter, I try to mix up the cookies so the audience doesn't get sick of the same old same old (vanilla sandwich cookies again). But the main question I still contemplate each month, even after all these years, considering that I've booked the readers, I've sent out press, I have promoted the reading, I have the cookies in tow, what it always comes down to is, will people actually be in there? And without fail for years there has been a consistent crowd each month. During rain storms, election night, Easter, the polar vortex, and so on, there is always an eager and respectful crowd ready to enjoy the night's entertainment. So thank you all who come out.  

Be back tomorrow for another message. Same Cookie Time, Same Cookie website. 

Johnny Misfit

What the meaning of all this? During July's Two Cookie Minimum reading, which was the series' 4 year anniversary, attendees and readers were given the prompt, "When I think of Two Cookie Minimum..." These are those responses.

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