
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages (part 9)

It's Thursday July 24 meaning, I am at Part 9 in the series of Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages.
Today's the message gives a brief synopsis of the series as well as some sage advice. 
                                                                       Who knew?

Beer + Cookies could be a good time or a bad morning. Be the judge on August 5th when Two Cookie returns to the Hungry Brain, 2319 W Belmont with a talented lineup of: writer Franki Jo Beckwith, funny man Tom Simmons, comics artist Ian McDuffie, writer John Wilmes, and
zinester Josh Piotrowski aka GAS MASK HORSE!

There will be more messages so check in tomorrow and next week for the rest.
Enjoying them? Send a message to

Johnny Misfit

What the meaning of all this? During July's Two Cookie Minimum reading, which was the series' 4 year anniversary, attendees and readers were given the prompt, "When I think of Two Cookie Minimum..." These are those responses.

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