
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages (part 14)

We're up to part 14 in the series of Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages. This one is a favorite of mine. All were anonymous submissions, but based on the message, I had an idea who wrote this.
I confirmed my hunch was confirmed by asking poet, zinester and Two Cookie regular Collin Brennan if this was his message. That he said, "I wrote the one about the 98 Bulls. Of course." 

Collin's read at the series a few times and we've found we share a common interest in basketball. Being he's a frequent regular, he he knows the score (another sports pun). I really like his comparison of Two Cookie to the 98 Bulls. That was the last season the Bulls won a title. The team was a rag tag bunch with veterans, a flamboyant bad boy, an overseas star and two future hall of fame players (arguably two of the best ever to play the game). Like that team, each month I look to book a diversity of readers. There have been established writers, students, zinesters, comics artists, musicians, shadow puppets, comedians, mutli-media, etc. So if you've been on the Two Cookie roster before, thanks for making it a winning series (last sports pun). 

There are only two more of these message left. Don't miss them. 

Johnny Misfit

What the meaning of all this? During July's Two Cookie Minimum reading, which was the series' 4 year anniversary, attendees and readers were given the prompt, "When I think of Two Cookie Minimum..." These are those responses.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages (part 13)

Lucky 13 in this series of Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages. Its another anonymous submission. I like how they keep it simple, short and sweet, much like the reading series.
A two cookie emoticon.

There's only a few more of these left to post. Check in until August 5th and then go to the Two Cookie Reading that night. It's gonna "Fun and Always Different" for sure.

Johnny Misfit

What the meaning of all this? During July's Two Cookie Minimum reading, which was the series' 4 year anniversary, attendees and readers were given the prompt, "When I think of Two Cookie Minimum..." These are those responses.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages (part 12)

Today is Part 12 in the series of Two Cookie Minimum Maximum Minimum Anniversary Messages. This message comes from comics artist Jen Rickert. I think this was her first time to the reading series and as you can see from her wonderful work, I hope to she comes out to read one of these days.

What's great about this piece is well, look at all the stuff going on. Jen took elements from each reader on our July anniversary show and incorporated parts of their performance into this collage: see vivian the alien from Kevin Kern's story, a visual of Leslie Perrine, Eric Barholomew's treasure chest of sorts during his Junk Drawer Game Show and a quote from Keiler Roberts comic "Assplesauce". She even included the cookie cakes made for the event!

There's only 4 more messages left to post, so make sure you come back this week. 

Johnny Misfit

What the meaning of all this? During July's Two Cookie Minimum reading, which was the series' 4 year anniversary, attendees and readers were given the prompt, "When I think of Two Cookie Minimum..." These are those responses.

P.S. My fav parts of this illustration collage are my likeness in cartoon form advocating 'share the greatness' (I don't get a cartoon drawn of me all the time, so back off) and how she notes CHIPRC, a workspace I run that programs visual art and literary events.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages (part 11)

This is the final full week of posts in the series of Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages. The 11th post comes from Sarah W, my sister. She comes out all the time to support the series, not out of obligation, but because she enjoys the variety of readers booked each month. The biggest contribution she provides is in her homemade cookies (and if needed, cakes or cookie cakes). She's made a variety of vegan delights from sugar cookies to chocolate chip cookies. She's made cookies in various shapes, such as CZF commemorating the Chicago Zine Fest or an actual cake for our CAKE readings.  And last month's anniversary reading, she made 2 huge cake sizes cookies. Sarah, thanks so much for your baking skillz!
                                   Two Cookie Minimum wouldn't be the same without her love and support.

As I said, this is the final full week of messages. So stay tuned for the final few. And go back to read ones you've missed. Enjoy 'em all.

Johnny Misfit

What the meaning of all this? During July's Two Cookie Minimum reading, which was the series' 4 year anniversary, attendees and readers were given the prompt, "When I think of Two Cookie Minimum..." These are those responses.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Two Cookie Kicks Off Year 4 on August 5th!

What's the formula for a successful Two Cookie Minimum?  Here you go:

Two Cookie Minimum is back, kicking off the series’ 4th year on Tuesday August 5th!

The lineup is another wild one (wouldn't have it any other way) featuring the talents of:
writer Franki Jo Beckwith, funny man Tom Simmons (a two cookie regular), comics artist Ian McDuffie, writer John Wilmes, and the bizarre stylings of zinester Joshua Piotrowski aka GAS MASK HORSE!

Hosted by Johnny Misfit.
Stop by the Hungry Brain 2319 W. Belmont at 9pm, 21+, no cover.

There will be free cookies for the occasion (you know as we do each month).
See you there.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages (part 10)

I'll end this week, self indulgently with the 10th Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages. This one mentions yours truly's hosting duties.
Its true, I am very awkward as a host. I can't help it. Sometimes I ad lib a bio, other times I try to crack a joke (to no applause). Every so often I do pull out something good as an intro to the night, when congratulating a reader, or when closing the show. Maybe I set the stage with my nonsense. Maybe that eases the tension and allows the readers to take over, aka the real entertainment and why we are all there. To showcase the great work others is why I do this. On a somewhat related note, I always try to give each reader a high five as they leave the stage. Its my way of saying, great job, thanks for humoring me and sorry for having to put up with my lame jokes. I think they appreciate it. And it also helps that I bring cookies. 

This closes out the 2nd full week of posts. Check back next week as we count down the last 6 posts and lead up to the August 5th reading. There's some good ones in the queue. Until then, have a good weekend. 

Johnny Misfit

What the meaning of all this? During July's Two Cookie Minimum reading, which was the series' 4 year anniversary, attendees and readers were given the prompt, "When I think of Two Cookie Minimum..." These are those responses.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages (part 9)

It's Thursday July 24 meaning, I am at Part 9 in the series of Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages.
Today's the message gives a brief synopsis of the series as well as some sage advice. 
                                                                       Who knew?

Beer + Cookies could be a good time or a bad morning. Be the judge on August 5th when Two Cookie returns to the Hungry Brain, 2319 W Belmont with a talented lineup of: writer Franki Jo Beckwith, funny man Tom Simmons, comics artist Ian McDuffie, writer John Wilmes, and
zinester Josh Piotrowski aka GAS MASK HORSE!

There will be more messages so check in tomorrow and next week for the rest.
Enjoying them? Send a message to

Johnny Misfit

What the meaning of all this? During July's Two Cookie Minimum reading, which was the series' 4 year anniversary, attendees and readers were given the prompt, "When I think of Two Cookie Minimum..." These are those responses.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages (part 8)

Today brings Part 8 in the series of Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages. These submissions are from multiple anonymous artists. 

Lately at readings, I've notice a new phenomenon, what I will call right now "the big table."This is when a group of people annex more than one table into, well, a big table. This has been more predominant as this year goes on. Its great when more people come out and form a little community, be it to support their friend reading or to simply have a good night out and enjoy the entertainment.

These submission below are a testament of that. They includes a few drawings, likely inspired from conversations shared among each other. Its also really cool to see the amount of artists that come out and draw at the series. I'm glad the night provides a welcome environment for creativity.

                                                   Robots, bald spots and butt tattoos.

Keep coming back from more. I'll post something daily until August 5th.  Keep enjoying them.

Johnny Misfit

What the meaning of all this? During July's Two Cookie Minimum reading, which was the series' 4 year anniversary, attendees and readers were given the prompt, "When I think of Two Cookie Minimum..." These are those responses.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages (part 7)

Here's Part 7 in this series of Two Cookie Minimum Anniversary Messages. This message comes from, you guessed it, an anonymous submission.
                                          I love how this asks you (the reader) these questions.

I like this one for two reasons. One, it appears to be in water color. That's outrageous! They took it upon themselves to bring in art supplies to a reading. A note: the series does welcome a variety of readers, including visual artists. So at times, they come prepped and ready to throw down their ideas.

The second reason I like this b/c these are two questions I consider every month: who is going to show up to the reading and what kinds of cookies will I get? Those are two big questions I face and try not to get too anxious about. For the latter, I try to mix up the cookies so the audience doesn't get sick of the same old same old (vanilla sandwich cookies again). But the main question I still contemplate each month, even after all these years, considering that I've booked the readers, I've sent out press, I have promoted the reading, I have the cookies in tow, what it always comes down to is, will people actually be in there? And without fail for years there has been a consistent crowd each month. During rain storms, election night, Easter, the polar vortex, and so on, there is always an eager and respectful crowd ready to enjoy the night's entertainment. So thank you all who come out.  

Be back tomorrow for another message. Same Cookie Time, Same Cookie website. 

Johnny Misfit

What the meaning of all this? During July's Two Cookie Minimum reading, which was the series' 4 year anniversary, attendees and readers were given the prompt, "When I think of Two Cookie Minimum..." These are those responses.