Two Cookie Minimum kick offs 2014 on Tuesday January 7th with a great line up, free zines and of course, cookies. Two Cookie host Johnny Misfit dubbed 2013 the Year of
the Cookie and as curator of the series, looks to make 2014 as
Starting off the year, January’s readers include:
The show begins at 9pm. Donations appreciated.
Starting off the year, January’s readers include:
- Cassandra Greenwald, member of Chicago Woman in Publishing, runner, vegan and author.
- Mason Johnson, author of Sad Robot Stories
- Kevin Budnik, cartoonist and author of collections Our Ever Improving Living Room and Dust Motes.
- Jessica Scott, Creative Writing student at Columbia College Chicago.
- Jason Fisk, author of Hank and Jules
The show begins at 9pm. Donations appreciated.